Five decades ago, a few farmers with a common vision of having a financially empowered and poverty-free community met. Their vision was to be realized through mobilizing savings and subsequently provide affordable credit facilities to their members. They envisaged a close financial bond between the members in a cooperative. Today we live by their vision as Amica Savings & Credit, a tier one Sacco and even aspire to broaden it.

As we move through various stages of our growth, we continue to enjoy valuable support and loyalty from our members. This reflection gives us the zeal to affirm our commitment to provide quality service and diversified financial products.

We are casting our net wider to reach you and our members in Kenya and beyond, and invite you to share in our experience. This transformation will accommodate your aspirations and dreams; budding, already blossomed or the actualized.

Join us as we financially empower our members.

Join us today

Our Journey

More than 59 years of interesting stories

  • 2022

    Tier 1

    Amica Sacco attained Tier 1 status

  • 2016

    Rebranded to Amica

    Rebranded and changed logo and name from Murata Sacco Ltd to Amica Savings & Credit Ltd.

  • 2011

    SASRA licence

    Licensed by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) as a deposit taking Sacco.

  • 2006

    Murata Sacco Ltd

    Open the common bond and changed name from Murata Farmers Sacco to Murata Sacco Ltd.

  • 1997

    Murata Farmers Sacco Society ltd

    Transformed into a savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) where it registered as a separate entity leaving the union to focus on marketing and merchandising business.


  • 1977


    Registered as  Murang’a Farmers Sacco Society.

  • 1966


    Farmers in Murang’a (Formerly Murang’a District) merged to form Murang’a District Co-operative Union (MDCU) to offer banking services to their members.