Coffee Loan - Amica Saving & Credit LTD

Coffee Loan

Suitable for individual coffee farmers to help them meet medium and long term financial needs like paying university fees, buying land, buy farm machinery, etc.


  • Flexible repayment period
  • Up to Ksh. 500,000 given without collateral
  • Amount given depends on coffee produced
  • Competitive interest rates of as low as 1% pm reducing balance
  • Quick processing and approval

Coffee Advance Loan

Short term loan advanced to individual coffee farmers for coffee harvesting, purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and agro-chemicals.


  • Farmers enjoy quick approval
  • Preferential loan rates

Society Crop Advance Loan

Loan facility available to coffee societies to pay farmers before final payment.


  • This plan helps farmers receive payment on time to meet their financial obligations.
  • Flexible repayment plan of up to six months
  • No collateral required
  • Helps meet harvesting and post-harvesting expenses

Working Capital-Society Loan

Suitable for societies to help meet the working capital needs of factories and societies like maintenance of equipment and machinery, salaries payment among others.

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Calculate your monthly loan repayments

The approximate monthly repayment figure is indicative and is not meant to be final. Amica reserves the right to determine the final interest rate and amount that can be borrowed.