Milk Loan

Perfect for dairy farmers to help them meet medium and long term financial needs like increasing the herd, paying university fees, buying land, acquisition of milk machinery such as bulk milk chilling units, etc.


  • Flexible repayment period
  • Up to Ksh. 200,000 given without collateral
  • The more the milk production, the higher the loan qualified for
  • Competitive interest rates of as low as 1% pm reducing balance

Milk Advance Loan

Short term loan availed to dairy farmers for Feeds, Artificial insemination (AI) and any other short term or emergency need.


  • Fast loan processing
  • Flexible repayment period of up to six months
  • No security required*

Milk Mini Advance Loan

Credit availed to dairy Cooperatives to ensure dairy farmers are paid for milk supplied on time.


  • Dairy farmers receive their payments on time
  • Dairy farmers paid on a regular basis and therefore they can plan their finances better
  • Flexible interest rates
  • Flexible security requirement-Letter of undertaking from milk deliveries (MCC, Brookside, KCC, Others)

Milk Working Capital Loan

Credit availed to dairy Cooperatives to support general office expenditures like staff salaries and acquisition of milk machinery such as bulk milk chilling units etc.


  • Smooth operations and support to dairy farmers
  • Flexible interest rates
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Calculate your monthly loan repayments

The approximate monthly repayment figure is indicative and is not meant to be final. Amica reserves the right to determine the final interest rate and amount that can be borrowed.