Personal Unsecured Loans

Salary Loan

Short term loan available to members whose salary or pension is channeled through the Sacco.


  • Quick processing and approval
  • Low interest rates from 1% pm reducing balance
  • A defined repayment plan
  • Flexible repayment term
  • Top up and buy-offs available

Salary Advance Loan

Get a Salary Advance processed within the shortest time possible to meet that unforeseen financial need.


  • Loan processed very fast to take care of the pressing need
  • Loan available even when a member has an existing loan
  • Low interest rate

Salary Loan-MOU

Personal Unsecured Check-off Loans given to employees of companies that have signed MOU’s with us can now access loan at negotiated rates; TSC, Parastatals, County governments, selected private sector companies.


  • Access to loans at a discounted rate
  • Quick processing and approval of loans
  • Savings and loan instalments are deducted through their payroll making it very easy to grow their savings over time and reduce on loan delinquency
  • Top up and buy-offs available
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